The Orphanage
by Gary Taaffe
Series: Urban Hunters #6
Published: May 3, 2013
Genres: Fiction, Young Adult
Format: eBook (189 pages)
Source: For Review
Billy and Amber must save Larry from the dog catcher, with a shocking twist for Billy. A pursuit leads them into a creepy, rundown orphanage where they find themselves under attack by a savage pack. They fight to save the lives of many only to fall victim down the bowels of hell itself.
I like the survival skills in this series. Reading The Orphanage was like watching a survival reality show but it’s not quite as gross since I was reading it. I feel like I learn something with every new book in this series. I kind of wonder if I really could cook a rat now after watching billy do it a few times.
Billy has such interesting knowledge that we ignore for the most part. Billy says a few times that raw meat is better for you. I balked at first, but it is true. We don’t eat raw meat because of bacteria problems that arose from us not killing and eating our own food right away. Billy also has a charming way of viewing people and their spirits and seeing how they are alike. It makes him easy to like back.
The Orphanage was interrupted a lot with character introductions and setting descriptions which slowed the story down a little for me. The new characters from the orphanage were cute and likable. It was adorable how the kids from the orphanage thought everything in the forest was poisonous but when Billy shows them that it’s not, they ran around like crazy eating and eating like all kids do. They raised a lot of interesting questions that I want answered like what happened to the orphanage and how they ended up on their own.
The way the dogs were described as having thoughts and feelings was so cool. It gave them a lot of personality and made them so fun to read about.
Overall, another great survival story with Billy and Amber that had some minor info-dumping but nothing too bad.
Content Rating: Medium, for graphic descriptions of cooking dogs whole and some mild swearing.
This post contains affiliate links and I receive a small percentage of sales made through these links. I received this book for review from the author, Gary Taaffe, in exchange for an honest review. I was not told what to say, I was not paid to write this review and all the opinions expressed are my own.
Reading this book contributed to these challenges:
I am not familiar with this series, so when I took a quick peek at the cover, I thought to myself that this must be a cute book. Oh my goodness, this sounds like a much crazier story that just the cover would lead you to believe!