This is for the Classic Double Challenge hosted by One Librarian’s Book Reviews. I like to read classic novels and a modern retelling and then compare and contrast them. I know. How very Hermione of me but whatever. I think it’s fun :)
- The Scarlet Pimpernel
- The Scarlet Pimpernel was a man
- Chopped off heads of aristos
- Works alone without the government
- Across a Star-Swept Sea
- The Wild Poppy was a woman
- “Reduced” aristos by giving them brain damaging drugs
- Works with the Princess since they can’t go to open war
- Rescues people to do the right thing
- “Reign of Terror”
- Countries are across a small straight
- The love interest accidentally supports the Revolution
- Ignores the war
- Brother and sister in different countries
- Smart person dates the flake
- Not really flaky – uses it to hide. The Wild Poppy also uses the sexism of her country to fly under the radar even more.
Reading this book contributed to these challenges:
I love the basic story of The Scarlet Pimpernel, but to be quite honest, I’m not a huge fan of the book. I mean, it’s okay, but I don’t love it. BUT I love that actual character of the Pimpernel. And the movie with Anthony Andrews, Jane Seymour and Ian McKellan. Oh that movie is amazing!
I recently read Across a Star-Swept Sea and oh my gosh it was so so so so good! I loved how Peterfreund used the Poppy being a woman to support Persis being all flakey. So freaking good.
I totally agree. She made great characters but the plot and the writing were not great. I actually like the movie with Jane Seymour more than the book!
Awesome comparison! I like how simple it is :) And I totally agree the book was nowhere near as good as that movie. It was a fun retelling, though.
Just read your review of Across a Star-Swept Sea and am intrigued! Sounds like you really loved it~ I still need to read The Scarlet Pimpernel, too. Thanks for doing the challenge and posting great comparison lists!