by Veronica Roth
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When I read, I ask a LOT of questions. Here’s some stuff I searched or wondered about while reading Allegiant by Veronica Roth.
From my review:
Allegiant explores what true sacrifice really means. Sacrifice isn’t giving away other people’s lives for the good of everyone. True sacrifice can only come from within yourself with the desire to truly help others no matter the cost to you. I liked howAllegiant explored the idea of a good or evil sacrifice. I liked the ending, though it did give me a major hangover that I had to discuss with my husband for an hour or two before I could move on. I think the ending was tragic, gutsy, and really tied all the books together and stuck with the theme of the series. Read more….
There were a lot of places in Allegiant that I had already written about in my other Google Diaries, so this one is kind of short because I’m only writing about the things new to Allegiant. But be sure to check out my Divergent Google Diary where I break down the factions and my Insurgent Google Diary that has a few quotes and things.
Millennium Park
“Four said he wants to meet you later.”
[Tris] pull[s] up straighter. “Really? When? Where?”
“A little after ten, at Millennium Park. On the lawn.” He smirks. “Don’t get too excited, your head will explode.”
– Veronica Roth, Allegiant p. 17
O’Hare Airport
“This building used to be O’Hare Airport, one of the busiest airports in the country. Now it’s the headquarters of View Spoiler ».
– Veronica Roth, Allegiant p. 113
Favorite Quote
“And he’s right to say that every faction loses something when it gains a virtue: the Dauntless, brave but cruel; the Erudite, intelligent but vain; the Amity, peaceful but passive; the Candor, honest but inconsiderate; the Abnegation, selfless but stifling.”
– Veronica Roth, Allegiant p. 123
Do you think the movies will change the ending to Allegiant since it was so controversial and had such negative backlash?
I kind of wonder if they will. They are changing the ending to the movie Gone Girl but I think that was to make it more movie friendly. I think the original ending to Allegiant would actually work really well in a movie, but I kind of wonder if they won’t change it all together or at least tweak it like they did with Breaking Dawn. What are your thoughts? Do you think the negative fan backlash was enough that they might consider changing it? Would you still see the movie/like the movie if they did change it?
Divergent Movie Trailer
I do think they are going to change the ending if Allegiant is made. I think that movie fans will be too upset for an ending like that so it will for sure change. At least that’s what I think.
I just saw The Hobbit Part Two a month ago, and I was horrified about the major changes they made in the movie. I think I would prefer if they kept the movie more consistent with the book. Of course, I am not one to talk, because I haven’t read Allegiant yet!
I think they will definitely tweak it because if they let Tris die, it won’t be how she died. Four will have to be there. I noticed that in the City of Bones a lot of the changes had to do with who was there and they tended to keep all of the main characters in the majority of the scenes. So either they will tweak that (and hopefully have her die for an actual real reason…yeah, I’m not still upset) or they will completely change it and have her live. And I hope they change the ending and have her live, to be honest. It was such a downer ending and there are very few movies where that works.
They sure as heck better keep the ending if they make it into a movie! That was one of the things I loved best about the book — the fact that Veronica Roth took a chance. And to me, it paid off and then some, because she made the series end on a note most authors are afraid to do. BUT this is Hollywood. And if they could completely change the plot of World War Z to make an entirely different story than the book, I’m sure they’ll have no trouble sleeping at night if they change Allegiant’s ending. I’m just really hoping they don’t!