Fortunately, the Milk
by Neil Gaiman
Published: September 17, 2013
Genres: Childrens, Fantasy, Humor
Format: Hardcover (114 pages)
Source: Gift
more"I bought the milk," said my father. "I walked out of the corner shop, and heard a noise like this: T h u m m t h u m m. I looked up and saw a huge silver disc hovering in the air above Marshall Road."
"Hullo," I said to myself. "That's not something you see every day. And then something odd happe...
If Dr. Seuss had ever written a chapter book, it would have come out like Fortunately, the Milk. The illustrations were fun, detailed, and slightly strange. The story was quirky and imaginative. It made my kids giggle a few times. There were aliens and dinosaurs and a lot of other crazy characters in between. It was a fun, short story to read out loud to my 7 and 5 year old every night. If you’re looking for something different to read to your kids, go pick this one up. It’s a book adults can enjoy too. I looked forward to reading this as much as my kids did.
Content Rating: Everyone.
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Cute! I can’t wait to have kids to read to. In the mean time I can still enjoy a kids book right?
Absolutely :)
I loved this book too! It is so adorable.
This book is so much fun! Silly, quirky and just a delight to read. Glad you enjoyed it :)