Reading Queue is a monthly meme where you share what books you plan to read for the month. You can hop to other blogs and see what others are reading and maybe find someone reading the same thing as you! Or you can ask for people to vote on what you should read next if you can’t decide. Reading Queue is hosted by Book Tasty and Books: A true story.
To Read
For Book Club – The World’s Strongest Librarian by Josh Hanagarne
I picked this book for our book club and I’m really excited to read it. I don’t know much about it other than it’s about a Mormon librarian who overcomes Tourette’s through weight-lifting.
For Review – House of Ivy & Sorrow by Natalie Whipple
I requested this book from Edelweiss because I loved Natalie Whipple’s Transparent and I’m excited to read her new book. Plus she’s a local author and I love supporting my local authors.
For Review – Elusion by Claudia Gabel and Cheryl Klam
There were so many awesome books coming out in March that I didn’t get to read this one before the release date! Oh well – better late than never. This looks like a really cool dystopian novel.
For Fun – The Shadow Throne by Jennifer A. Nielsen
I want so badly to finish this series!! I’ve heard it’s really good. I think by the time I actually get through The Count of Monte Cristo I will definitely be in the mood for some sarcasm and fun.
How I Did Last Month
IN PROGRESS – Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
I didn’t really think I would finish this last month, but I didn’t even get to start it until a week ago. It’s good so far. Bad thing is – the Whispersync that is supposed to sync between the audiobook and my kindle does not work because my kindle has footnotes and so my farthest progress is like the end of the book. :/ I’m very sad about that, but the audiobook is divided into chapters so it’s pretty easy to go back and forth. I like the narrator but he’s very dramatic and the recording is kind of echoey. UPDATE – I did some Googling (as one does) and I found out that I can manually reset my furthest read page in my Amazon settings. So now I can just do that every single time I look at a footnote…Hey it’s better than nothing.
FINISHED – Edenbrooke by Julianne Donaldson
I loved this one. I don’t usually like romance, but this was really good. If Jane Austen had written a fast paced plot about scandalous things like robberies (in a proper manner of course), then it would have come out like Edenbrooke.
FINSIHED – Queen of the Big Time by Adriana Trigiani
We had a great discussion in my book club about this one. I would describe it as a northern Gone with the Wind. There is pining for loves you can’t have and going back to the farm when the love you did actually get is gone. I really liked this one.
FINISHED – Wheat Belly by William Davis
I changed my 50% gluten-free diet to 100% after reading this book. He makes a good point about how we over eat wheat in our American diets. But at the end he goes a little extreme and says you shouldn’t eat any starches and limited amounts of fruits. Yeah…no. So far I am really enjoying out gluten-free diet and I’m glad we did it. My husband has noticed an improvement after being on this diet for a few weeks in his auto-immune arthritis that he’s had for years.
Superfreakonomics by by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner
I really enjoy the Freakonomics Podcast so when this audiobook came in at the library I listened to it in a few days. I really like how it challenges the norms in our society by looking at data. I was not a fan of the business of prostitution chapter, but the rest of the book was really good.
Looks like you had a good month and have a fun month planned. I never did make it through The Count Of Monte Cristo. Good luck.
It looks like you have some great books planned for this month! I hope you continue enjoying Count of Monte Cristo!
I loved Edenbrooke, too! But then, I like the romance. I’m so glad you liked it. Donaldson had another book out, but I haven’t read it yet, called Blackmoore. I hear that’s very good, but a little darker.
Hi! I’m reading The Shadow Throne too! We’ll have to discuss as we go. I’m only about two chapters in so far, but I love Jaron’s snark! :)
I read the first Freakanomics book years ago, and I really enjoyed it. I should give this one a read.
Elusion is on my to-read/wish list, looking forward to seeing what you think of this one. House of Ivy and Sorrow I think I have somewhere on my iPad, I love Natalie’s previous books and I have to make a start on this one soon.
Good luck on your haul this month
What a great list! House of Ivy & Sorrow sounds like such a good one! I love the cover. I have never heard of this author before, will definitely have to look this one up!
Good luck with your March reads :) And thanks for hosting again!
I got The Shadow Throne too and can’t wait to read it. I’m on a gluten free diet too and I feel better since I started 4 months ago. A friend of mine read The Wheat Belly and can’t stop talking about it. I picked up The Grain Brain at the library and want to see what that is all about.
I totally forgot to stop by and say hi. I never heard of Queen of the Big Time. I have read a lot of her books and the Valentine’s series will be up next for me. I need to add this one to the list too! Thanks.