The biggest thing on my mind right now is my bed. It has a broken spring and a broken bed frame. I hate spending money but I’ve reached the point where I will give anything – all chocolate forever, all my books, and the $10.56 in my purse – to not wake up with a back ache and a head ache. I tried taking a nap yesterday. I never quite fell all the way asleep on my stupid bed and I felt worse afterwards. Martin Luther King Day is coming up which means furniture is on sale! What a great way to celebrate the assassination of an American leader! My husband wants to make sure we shop around enough to get a good mattress. I’m going to have hold myself back from buying the first thing I see. Whatever it takes, I’m getting a new mattress this weekend.
This sleep deprivation has seriously affected my reading. I am so tired all the time that I can’t stay awake while reading for longer than 30 minutes no matter what time it is. The other day I was sitting on my couch with my feet up and kept doing that head jerk thing where you nod off and then jolt awake when your head tilts in an unnatural position that cuts of breathing. I kept accidentally leaving my finger on my kindle so it would flip like 3 pages ahead and my head was so fuzzy I couldn’t remember what I was reading anyway. It took me almost four weeks to read a 300 page book. I usually finish a book like that in one week.
I pulled out the old booster seat/high chair thingy a few days ago to start feeding my baby some baby food that I’m pretty sure he’ll hate. I was going to take pictures of his disgusted face. It was going to be so cute. I got out my Clorox wipes to clean the old booster seat and as I lifted up the cloth cover, the bottom was entirely covered in mold. Black, evil mold from the very pits of Mordor. My first thought was annoyance that we hauled this thing around for 5 years for the next kid and I could have gotten rid of it so much sooner. I bought the exact same one on Amazon and it came today. Sometimes I wish I could buy everything on Amazon. All my groceries. All my clothes. I wonder if someday grocery shopping will become an online thing. What if my local store stocked things really close like a warehouse and trained people where things were. I put in an order online and pick everything up whenever it’s done. It’s basically paying someone to shop for me. Can this please be a thing? I hate shopping.
I’m starting to get into a routine again. I’ve fit everything I need to in my schedule and I’m feeling a lot less stress….except when it comes to my blog. I have two hours of free time a day that I’m trying desperately to split between reading, networking with other blogs and actually writing blog posts. My best friend said I shouldn’t hold myself to the standard I was blogging at before. I should just do what makes me happy and not worry about the rest. I’m going to do my best at that. My reading might have to slide which immediately makes me feel like this:
But I can only do so much. If I can only write one blog post a week and read two books a month so be it. *weeps uncontrollably*
Whenever I watched Harry Potter, I wanted to go to Hogwarts like everyone else. I thought it would be cool. But there was something else I wanted more. I wanted friends like Harry had. Best friends that talk all the time, that know everything that is going on in your life, that you can just hang out with and be yourself. You, my dear, know who you are. And yes you can call me every day about anything. I’m sorry if this is cheesy. Take comfort in the fact that no one reads my blog. Probably.
I’m not going to do the events posts anymore. But I still want to talk a little about any events I might go to in these new wrap-up posts.
The only event I want to go to is actually next month. It’s Ransom Riggs who wrote Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children and his wife, Tahereh Mafi who is also a young adult author.
In case you missed any of my posts from December, here they are:
Good luck finding a mattress! Sleep is SO important. You can come hang out with Jenni, Suey, and me anytime! We are planning on going to see Ransom Riggs too! You should join us and come to dinner afterwards.
I hope you manage to find a mattress today! Not being able to get rest is really rough, and I don’t wish it on anyone.
I hate when you can’t get a decent sleep. We need a new mattress ourselves but with everything we are paying out its hard to find the change to buy one.
Don’t worry about the limited time you have to trying to keep up with your usual blogging. I came into this very slowly, and it gradually got busier, I din’t notice how much time I spent reading/blogging/networking till I took time away for my Dad. When I came back ti took a few months to get back into working and reading again, and even now, 14 months later I am still not up to my original standards. I’ve given up stressing about it and just read and review when I can.
If you need time for yourself, take it. If reviews don’t go up all the time, don’t worry, we will still be hanging around ;)
Yes. You must get a new bed. Good luck. Time management is no fun.
“If I can only write one blog post a week and read two books a month so be it.” I’m becoming content with writing one blog a week as since December of last year, that’s what I’ve been/am doing. I read maybe, if I’m lucky, four books a month, sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on the month — and I’m okay with that and the blogging once a month. I’m learning not to worry about the pressure, with most of the pressure being internal anyway. That said, I have a feeling people will continue to read your blog because of who you are and what you say, not how many times you say it. :)
We got a new bed almost ten years ago now. Spent a ton of money for a huge, adjustable one and it was SOOOO worth it. It’s still super comfy and I still love it. Good luck with your shopping!
I hope you got an awesome mattress. :)
And yes, you should definitely not stress about blogging. You’ll be fine, and I always enjoy reading your posts, no matter their frequency. :)
hahah ohhh I loved this!! Please take this to mean I loved this post and your humour, NOT the fact that you aren’t sleeping well or the horrific mold. I hope you are/were able to get a new mattress soon and are snoozing away!
I totally understand about the mattress! Last year I finally got a new bed – mine I had been sleeping on since I was like 12. So, you know, 22 years. Yeah…. anyway, I got an I-Serta and I LOVE it. Love. It. It’s so comfortable.
And your friend is right! Do NOT worry about your blogging schedule. I have taken a lot of time off for being sick and for going back to grad school, and people stick around, trust me. Do it when you have time, if you don’t, screw it. You take care of you and your family first! Absolutely.