I’m feeling a little stressed right now and I thought, “Don’t put the burden of reading challenges on yourself. Just read what you want!” And I agreed with myself. Thought it was a good idea. So I’m going to only sign up for the essential ones. Maybe one or two. But when I got looking at them all I realized I like knowing how many ebooks I read so I have to do that one. And hey this mythology one looks cool! I need to read more mythology! And before you know it …. well see for yourself.
eBook Challenge 2015

Host: Annette's Book Spot
My Summary Post
Progress: 7/25 (28%)
1 January, 2015 — 31 December, 2015
Mythology Challenge 2015

Host: Lili Lost in a Book
My Summary Post
Progress: 1/3 (33%)
1 January, 2015 — 31 December, 2015
Audiobook Challenge 2015

Host: The Book Nympho
My Summary Post
Progress: 1/6 (17%)
1 January, 2015 — 31 December, 2015
Diversity on the Shelf 2015

Host: My Little Pocketbooks
My Summary Post
Progress: 1/3 (33%)
1 January, 2015 — 31 December, 2015
TBR Pile 2015

Host: Bookish
My Summary Post
Progress: 1/10 (10%)
1 January, 2015 — 31 December, 2015
Prequel and Sequel Challenge 2015

Host: Novel Heartbeat
My Summary Post
Progress: 0/10 (0%)
1 January, 2015 — 31 December, 2015
Classics Club

Host: The Classics Club
My Summary Post
Progress: 7/50 (14%)
1 January, 2014 — 31 December, 2019
For the Mythology one you could just read a couple Rick Riordan books. I wanted to do the TBR Pile challenge again, but they dropped the ball last year, and now I don’t know if I want to do it again.
Yeah I probably will do that since I’m behind on his Heroes of Olympus series. How did they drop the ball last year? Did they forget the linkys or something?
Oh my! You did join a lot. See, this is why I can’t even look at what challenges are out there. Good luck with them all.
Haha. I actually signed up for a lot of challenges this year, too. Last year the only challenge I participated in was the Goodreads challenge, and that isn’t even the same thing. Hey, how did you get the Reading Challenges percentage bars in your side bar? I would love to do that, but I’m not sure how.
I’m also participating in the audiobook challenge. I just love audiobooks! Good luck!
It’s a add-on plugin to the Ultimate Book Blogger plugin from Creative Whim. It’s only like $7 and it’s super easy to use. I love it!
Lol. I know what you mean. I used to do that too, but I’ve finally been able to stop myself. I’m just doing one now. The Ultimate Reading Challenge from SugarPop.
Ha! I’m exactly like that as well. At least you didn’t put your goals very high for the individual challenges. I’m working on my last 20 books for the Classics Club challenge this year, and the continuous battle with the TBR pile is a work in progress. Good luck with your challenges this year (:
Thanks so much for joining the mythology challenge! Hope you read some amazing books this year! :)
I said the same thing and then signed up for a bunch of challenges, lol. But all of them are fairly ‘easy’ to handle so I don’t see them being a problem. I’ve always thought about doing the Classics Club challenge but I never do, it’s really hard for me to pick out classics I haven’t already read because most of the ones left are books I don’t really want to read. Good luck with all of your goals!
Welcome to the D.O.T.S. Reading Challenge. So glad your going to give it another shot! I am doing the Audiobook Challenge as well. I gave up on the TBR pile challenge this year. I never seem to make it to half of the books I sign up for. LOL!
haha, just because you’ve signed up for all these does not mean it has to add all the pressure to yourself. Just so long as you don’t take them too seriously, obviously. Challenges can be a great way of keeping track of what you read and encouraging you to make positive reading goals! Good luck on all of these :)