Reading Queue is a monthly meme where you share what books you plan to read for the month. You can hop to other blogs and see what others are reading and maybe find someone reading the same thing as you! Or you can ask for people to vote on what you should read next if you can’t decide. Reading Queue is hosted by Book Tasty and Books: A true story.
To Read
Hollow City by Ransom Riggs – I got this book for review many months ago. I’m going to update my review policy soon to no longer take review books. I love my new style of reviewing books which are full of spoilers and discussion, but that style of reviewing doesn’t work well with brand new books. No one has read it so there’s no one to discuss it with and they definitely don’t want to be spoiled. So I think from now on I’m going to keep my reviews to older books. Until then, I’m going to make sure I read the small pile of review books I have left and this is one of them. I really enjoyed the first book and I can’t wait to see what crazy pictures are in this one.
Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand – No migraines this month so I hope I can actually read this one!
Magonia by Maria Dahvana Headley – I’m actually in the middle of reading this. The main character has an extremely strong voice. It’s mean, sarcastic, and bitter. It sounds eerily close to the voice in my own head. I obviously keep those thoughts to myself because I generally like people, but I can see why people wouldn’t enjoy the voice in this book. However, I’m loving it so far! I’ve seen a lot of my friends DNF this book so I hope it doesn’t crash and burn at the end.
Summer reading is here!
I signed up for my library’s reading program and I am so excited! Do you do anything special for reading in the summer? I try to read a 1000 page book. I don’t know if I will this year. I have so much yard work. I’ll try in July if most of it is done.
I like to try and read outside in the summer as well. Not sure if that is going to work out so well, either, since I have a baby to watch this summer. I need new summer reading traditions! I want to hear yours!
How I Did Last Month
FINISHED The Eternity Key by Bree Despain. So I had terrible migraines for two weeks in May. It’s funny how slowly it sets in and little by little you feel more and more crappy until you wake up one day and can’t function anymore. For the life of me, I couldn’t concentrate on reading. I couldn’t remember anything about the prequel to this book (The Shadow Prince) so I went back and re-read it. By the time I finished it, my migraine meds had kicked in and I was feeling much better. Migraine-free, I realized that I understood the recapping at the beginning of The Eternity Key just fine and I didn’t really need to re-read the first book. Anyway. I loved this book! I think I loved the romance even more in this book than I did in The Shadow Prince.
DIDN’T START Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand. I’m going to try again this month.
DIDN’T START What Alice Forgot by Liane Moriarty. We ended up not reading two books for book club this month and because I had such bad migraines, I only read one book. Maybe some day I will get to this one, but I’m going to take it off the TBR for now. Speaking of book club, it was the first day I had taken my meds for my migraines and I just felt soooooooo good. They were a little strong and my friends got a kick out of their introverted friend acting a little loopy :).
Migraines are the worst. I just started getting them about 6 months ago. It’s unbelievable how much they mess with you. And, for me, the pain isn’t even that bad (at least at first), it’s all the other crappy stuff that goes along with them–the messing with your eyes, the sound and light sensitivity, the nausea, etc. I’m glad your meds helped, so you could enjoy The Eternity Key.
Migrains are the worst! Sorry you had one. You still got some good books read. Good luck with your reading this June.
Magonia sounds like a great read, I’m looking forward to seeing what you think of it.
I don’t suffer from migraines but girls in work have said how bad they are, so I’m glad you are getting better.