This isn’t just any day. This is a day where there is NO SCHOOL. Will she make it to the end of the day?!?! Read on to find out!!!!
6 AM – It Starts
The baby has woken up. I poke my husband because it’s his turn to get the baby. (I get the baby in the middle of the night and he gets him in the morning.) Lucky me the baby slept through the night :)
Husband: When did you get up?
Me: I didn’t. He slept all night
Husband: You suck.
Me: *laughs*
9 AM- Entertain The Childrens
I help my oldest build his new T-Rex toy that he dug out from a science kit yesterday. Then I play a dice game with him. Halfway through the dice game, my middle child demands that I help him make his science experiment that he got yesterday. I tell him I will in 20 minutes when the game is over. I ignore his continued demands that I do it NOW. When I come upstairs in 20 minutes, I can hear my middle child counting backwards from 20 and then starting again. He has a piece of paper where he kept tally on how many times he counted from 20. He informs me that he counted 100 times.
I cover my mouth so he can’t see me laughing. There are two things I learned from this.
- We need to teach him the difference between seconds and minutes.
- I truly admire his persistence. Hopefully we can channel that persistence into more meaningful things someday ….
10 AM – In Which I Feed The Fussy Baby Who Refuses To Eat
Turns out the baby was fussy because he had a bad diaper. Oops.
11 AM – The Doing of The Chores That I Loathe
Folding the laundry isn’t so bad. I survive doing that. It’s the dishes that are my arch nemesis. There’s no longer any doubt that the dishes have crossed the line from “should do them” to “need to do them” because if I don’t wash them now, I will have to wash the baby bottles BY HAND *shudder* *the horror* and eat with my hands.
How to do the dishes if you absolutely hate it:
- Eat all the chocolate you can find
- Since the only chocolate in the house is your kid’s Christmas candy, only eat how much you think you can get away with before they notice
- Turn on Gilmore Girls for motivation
- They aren’t very motivating because they also never did the dishes
- Debate if it is more or less work to have the kids help
- Compose ballad in my head of how much I hate doing the dishes. “Oh dishes, how I thee. Let me count the ways….”
11:10 AM – 90% Done Loading The Dishes
Yes, it only took me 10 minutes. I know I’m a whiner. I get it.
I say 90% done because just as I’m about to finish loading the dishwasher, the baby actually wants food now. (I checked this time – diaper is clean. Go me!). I feed the baby with a fork because all the spoons are dirty ok. It makes a mess because baby food is the consistency of snot but whatever. I make silly noises while feeding him and it makes him laugh. It’s the cutest thing ever.
Also, the middle child reminds me that I didn’t do the science experiment with him.
11:30 AM – Feeding of the Other Children
My kids want breakfast to which my reaction is
I forgot to feed them breakfast. This whole “no school” thing is really messing with my schedule.
Me: Guess what time it is? TV TIME! Eat some cereal while you watch Teen Titans Go.
I freeze some chicken while the fried rice is cooking for lunch. I give the food to my kids but the middle child wants a corn dog. Sigh. I nuke him a corn dog and wolf down my fried rice while the baby cries. Then I put the baby down for a nap.
12:15 PM – Mommy Needs A Time Out
I’m starting to feel a little stressed so I have the kids do their chores and play some video games while I relax and read a little bit and talk to my mom on the phone.
3 PM – Baby Time
Baby is awake from his nap. I’m making phone calls to get the license plates for our new van since our temporary registration expired a month ago. I have to scan and email a bunch of papers. I hope we don’t get pulled over in the mean time.
A friend comes over to play with the older kids so I play with the baby. He grabs my face. It’s so cute. Long nails. Then I feed the baby while yelling upstairs to the kids to stop talking about poop.
The baby crawls around on the floor next to a big pile of tote bags and backpacks that I really should declutter and organize. I’ll post to Facebook about it. That seems productive.
The kids eat some trail mix for a snack and go outside to play. The baby crawls up to me and is sucking his two middle fingers in the most adorable way and then starts to fall asleep. Nap it is then.
No one answers my Facebook post. Ugh. I have to do it myself then.
4:30 PM – Facebook Time
I veg out on social media as a reward for all my decluttering and organizing work.
4:45 PM – Maybe I’ll Read
5:20 – 6 PM – Cooking and Eating of the Dinner
The friend goes home and I start to cook dinner. Baby is crying while I cook so the kids help feed him. I can’t find the garlic press anywhere. Grrr. It must be dirty. No garlic I guess. I’m too lazy to chop it. We eat dinner. I put away some laundry. I play with the baby.
I need a nap.
Then I put the baby to bed. Lucky.
7:40 pm – Family Home Evening
Our Family Home Evening Lesson is about our Testimony Tool Box. We make a tool box out of paper and talk about scriptures and prayer and stuff. Then we play a matching game that the middle child made that has no less than 243 pieces. My husband and I are very supportive and praise the awesome game he made. I chomp down on my nails when impatience starts to take over at how many, many matches there are.
8:30 PM I’m Going To Bed
Just kidding. There are more dishes to do.
9:30 PM – The End
The kids are finally in bed and not getting up any more. Yay! It’s reading time! I read until I pass out and can’t hold the book up any more. My kindle informs me it was 9:47 pm when this happened.
(PS. In case you’re wondering, I ended up doing the science experiment with the middle child the day after I wrote this)
These are my favorite posts. They’re just so fun. I may have to do one sometime. Sounds like your off to a great start to the holidays. Hang in there….243 pieces ha!