Four: A Divergent Story Collection
by Veronica Roth
Published: July 8th 2014
(208 pages)
moreTwo years before Beatrice Prior made her choice, the sixteen-year-old son of Abnegation’s faction leader did the same. Tobias’s transfer to Dauntless is a chance to begin again. Here, he will not be called the name his parents gave him. Here, he will not let fear turn him into a cowering child.
I’m surprised how much I liked this book. I was not wild about ALLEGIANT and I didn’t think I would be interested to read more about this series. Honestly, I thought Four was much more interesting to follow than Tris. He’s more conflicted and I liked learning his thoughts and motivations. They weren’t what I thought they would be. Four’s internal voice says “should” a lot and I related to that. Four is more motivated by shame than I realized. I never really related to Tris. Four also feels like an imposter which was fascinating because Tris never sees him that way. My favorite quote from Four was:
Maybe there is a masochistic streak inside me that uses pain to cope with pain.
-Veronica Roth, Four pg 164
Four starts to find himself and realize that there is a third choice that no one has told him about (other than being in a faction or being factionless) and it’s to be true to himself despite the rigid system they live in. That’s probably the most attractive and inspiring thing about him. He’s also kind of snarky which I loved.
Also, the writing is much better than it was in the Divergent series. #justsayin
Book Review of Four on a Post-it
I put these short, post-it note reviews on Instagram. Be sure to follow me there!
I received this book for review from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. I was not told what to say, I was not paid to write this review and all the opinions expressed are my own.
Interesting. I’m glad to hear the writing is better. Not a big fan of the Divergent series.
I thought this book was just okay. I felt like I didn’t really learn much, and I like Four being mysterious, so I didn’t like being in his head.
I love your sticky note reviews on Instagram! Brilliant idea!
Thanks! It’s a lot of fun to do those :)