Phoenix Overture
by Jodi Meadows
Series: Newsoul #2.5
Published: September 3rd 2013
(138 pages)
moreIn the wilds around the Community where Sam and his family have taken shelter, life is dangerous. Dragons, trolls, centaurs, and other monsters fill the world. The word comes from the council that everyone must leave and journey to rescue their leader, Janan, who has been abducted by a mysterious ne...
Sam was the biggest reason I didn’t love the Incarnate series. Since this novella is from his point of view, I read it hoping it would change my mind about him. Sometimes knowing someone’s past helps you understand them, right? I guess. He almost seemed so different in Phoenix Overture that I couldn’t reconcile the Sam in this book with the Sam in the Incarnate series.
I liked that I learned new things about Sam that I couldn’t learn in the books. He didn’t annoy me in this one which was nice. The world in this book was a devastated and scary place which helped me look at his choices with a little less judgement. Still, I don’t think this novella was quite enough for me to change my mind about Sam. He’s still meh to me.
Did you like Sam’s character in the Incarnate series?
I’ve only read Incarnate so far. I really liked it but haven’t finished the series yet. Soon. I can’t remember what I thought of Sam. I’ll have to check my notes.