The Assassin's Curse
by Cassandra Rose Clarke
Series: The Assassin's Curse #1
Published: October 2nd 2012
(298 pages)
moreAnanna of the Tanarau abandons ship when her parents try to marry her off to another pirate clan. But that only prompts the scorned clan to send an assassin after her. When Ananna faces him down one night, armed with magic she doesn't really know how to use, she accidentally activates a curse bindin...
A unique setting and a fun plot with humor that reminded me of Princess Bride (sarcastic and a little blunt). We read this for book club and the more we discussed it, the more plot elements we found from things like The Croods (the characters), Aladdin (setting and magic), Bourne Identity (an assassin who can’t bring himself to kill his mark and has to live on the run), and Phantom of the Opera (a guy obsessed with covering his face because he thinks it’s hideous). I think it made for an interesting mix and it was fun to read.
My favorite quote is:
“Cockiness is useful to fake on occasion, but it’ll only get you killed if you believe it.”
– Cassandra Rose Clarke, The Assassin’s Curse Kindle location 347.
I did not enjoy the strong voice in this book. It didn’t fit the Middle Eastern fantasy setting. It felt too modern and American. It took me out of the story a lot. The main character, Ananna (it’s not spelled wrong though I thought it was when I first read it) speaks in a lot of double negatives and says ain’t a lot. I’m not quite sure what it did for the story. Was it trying to show that she was uneducated or a pirate? Because she also used words like “ambivalence.” So… I wasn’t sold on that. Was it to show that she was from a different area or culture than everyone else? Because she’s literally the only one that talks like this. All it did for me was annoy the heck out of me. Other than that, a fun fantasy story.
Book Review of The Assassin’s Curse on a Post-it
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I loved this one, but I can definitely see where you’re coming from re: Annana’s voice in the Middle Eastern setting. I always love a strong voice in my MCs, but I can see that it doesn’t particularly fit with the book! Love your post-it reviews :)