Made You Up
by Francesca Zappia
Published: May 19, 2015
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult
Format: eBook (428 pages)
Source: Library
moreReality, it turns out, is often not what you perceive it to be—sometimes, there really is someone out to get you. Made You Up tells the story of Alex, a high school senior unable to tell the difference between real life and delusion. This is a compelling and provoking literary debut that will appea...
My favorite thing about Made You Up is the main character, Alex, who I found very endearing. Alex has schizophrenia. She takes pictures to help her know what’s real and what’s not.
“Sometimes I think people take reality for granted.”
– Francesca Zappia, Made You Up pg 1
Her reality is full of things that could not be real. It was amazing to go through her thought process of questioning everything and how she copes with that. It would be so hard to live like that all the time.
Made You Up is hopeful and shows how it’s okay to get help sometimes. View Spoiler »
There are funny moments, unexpected twists and turns, a few heartbreaking moments, and some feel good moments too.
And oh the romance.
“You smell like lemons” is my new favorite romantic line in a novel. It’s the first thing this boy says to her when he meets her and it takes her by surprise.
“I felt a strange flurry of delirious joy because he’d said, “You smell like lemons” instead of “Your hair is red.” I knew my hair was red. Everyone could see my hair was red. I did not, however, know that I smelled like fruit.”
-Francesca Zappia, Made You Up pg iii
The love story is very cute. You can’t quite tell who’s real and who isn’t and you spend a lot of time wondering if this cute boy is real. They are both awkward and lovable.
In addition to awkward and lovable, I found Alex so relatable.
“I wasn’t sure if the pictures would help anymore, but doing it made me feel better. Like I was doing something to help myself. Like that was still possible.”
-Francesca Zappia, Made You Up pg 137
I think we all do that. Things that give us the illusion of control but don’t really do anything. We had a great book club discussion about things we do to give us comfort that we don’t really need to do like making lists etc.
Alex gets advice from a Magic 8 ball which is adorable. She doesn’t take it seriously, but it was fun to read the responses to her questions.
My thoughts on the ending which I mostly liked but one thing bugged me. View Spoiler »
A darling story. An underrated gem. A teenage version of A Beautiful Mind. I loved it.
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I have seen Zappia’s books around a lot, and I haven’t read one yet. Which one should I start with?
I haven’t read any of her other books but this one was amazing. I would start with this one :)
Interesting. My 16yo daughter is reading this right now and enjoying it overall. I’m glad you liked it. I’ll have to give it a go as well.