These questions came from The Perpetual Page Turner
I love doing end of year recaps. You can read my end of year recaps for 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012 and 2011 too. :)
Cover photo is all of the books I own that I read in 2018. There are 32 books pictured. One book I sold. I read 8 ebooks and 9 library books last year that aren’t pictured for a total of the 50 books I read in 2018.
Reading Stats
Books read: 50 (same from 2017)
Pages read: 15,810 (-18 pages from 2017)
Average pages per book: 316 (-1 from 2017)
Books Re-Read in 2018: Fablehaven by Brandon Mull and My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George. I read both of these outloud to my son.
DNF Books for 2018: Heart of Iron by Ashley Poston and Lemon Tart by Josi S. Kilpack
Reviews written: 11
Books read written by women: 27
Books read written by men: 23
Most Read Genre: Sci-fi and Fantasy
Total Money Spent on Books: $925.84 (+$103.20 from 2017)
Shortest Book Read: ebook – The Queen’s Army by Marissa Meyer (23 pages) Physical book – The Last Unicorn: The Lost Journey by Peter S. Beagle (170 pages)
Longest Book Read: Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow (818 pages)

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Book Awards

Best Movie Adaption Made Me Mad Most Unique Hidden Gem Made Me Cry Most Fun to Read Most Vivid Setting Favorite Couple Most Shocking Most Thought Provoking Most Beautifully Written Most Memorable Character Most Thrilling Best Out of Comfort Zone Favorite Cover Best Series Made Most People Read Most Surprising Thought I Would Like More Favorite New Author
Favorite Quote From A Book You Read In 2018
First find out what you are capable of, then decide who you are.
-Tara Westover, Educated pg 230
My Blogging Life
Favorite review that you wrote in 2018?
Writing reviews for classic novels is one of my favorite things to do so my review of Gulliver’s Travels was one of my favorites from last year. I enjoyed that book more than I thought I would.
Best non-review post you had on your blog?
I started blogging about my Evermore Park visits and I loved writing them!! My favorite of all my Evermore posts is probably my recap of the Lore season finale which you can read here.
Best moment of blogging life in 2018?
Blogging has been lagging a little for me (notice that I’m writing my 2018 recap posts in March). The thing I’m most proud of with my blogging is that I haven’t quit. I still enjoy doing it when I sit down and write a post. In fact, I could tell after writing all my Evermore Park posts that I do love writing and I want to commit to this blog again.
Most challenging thing about blogging or your reading life this year?
I struggled with reading until I found a way to make it work with my busy schedule (I read multiple formats now to increase the time I have available to read). It took me a while to find that solution for reading and I think I’ll need to be patient as I find a solution that helps make blogging more accessible in my life. Blogging on an app is hard to do but I’m never on my laptop unless I’m paying bills or blogging. I’ll have to experiment until I find something that works. I have a feeling the solution actually lies in something analog like my bullet journal. Every time it feels like I need an app (my spending is out of control! Google budget apps) it turns out a spread in my bullet journal was all I needed. Maybe I will try to write notes as soon as I finish a book. I need to find a way to make blogging flexible. Wish me luck with that haha.
Most Popular Post This Year On Your Blog
My Gulliver’s Travels book review got the most hits in 2018 with 2000+ visitors. Almost all of my most popular posts are actually book reviews of classic novels. My Orphan Keeper book review got the most comments with 4 comments. Most of my interaction actually happens on Instagram now.
Best bookish discovery (book related sites, book stores, etc.)?
Unicorn Crate. I adore this book box so much. She sends the most amazing fantasy books, most of which I never would have heard of if it hadn’t been for the box. She sends such creative items with the book, too. They aren’t just junky items with random fandom things on it. I’ve gotten beautiful scarves, jewelry that matches the book, candles, a notebook, sticky notes, socks and more. My very favorite thing is that there is a unicorn item every month.
Did you complete any reading challenges or goals that you had set for yourself at the beginning of this year?
I only had one challenge last year and it was to hit my Goodreads goal of 50 books. And I did! In years past, I’ve tried to read a 1000+ page book each year. I haven’t done that in a while because it’s hard to find 1000+ page books anymore. But my longest book in 2018 was Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow and it was 818 pages.

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