If I finished the goal, it’s in green. If I didn’t finish it, it’s red.
Read 50 books
Read 3 formats a time – ebook, physical, and audio.
I really like this strategy. I read an ebook instead of using social media. Reading for 2-3 minutes at a time all day really helped me reach my reading goal this year.
Get a TBR cart

Don’t buy any more books until all the books I haven’t read yet fit into one TBR cart.
I didn’t stick to my book buying ban very strictly and sadly my entire TBR definitely does not fit in my cart. If anything I need more bookshelves now.
Read the Come Follow Me manual every Sunday
Invite people over for dinner and a lesson on Sundays
Have a pin incentive for the kids to do scripture study
Finish reading the Book of Mormon
Walk and listen to an audiobook
This worked so well that I’m going to do it again this year. I love it so much. It keeps me from being bored. My favorite audiobooks to listen to are Star Wars.
Make a monthly health chart with prizes.
I gave up on my monthly prize charts. I switched to the Streaks app instead and I love it so much.
Keep a daily food diary
I simplified it by just taking pictures of what I eat. I don’t need to track so many things now because I’m feeling a lot better.
Make a sugar tracker in my bullet journal.
I also track more nutrition now, too. I use my fitness pal and apple health to see how much fiber, sugar, and iron I’m eating on average every day.
Blog 30 hours a month.
I’m trying to simplify my blogging so that I can do it more often. I really miss blogging.
The Year of Camping
Buy quality camping gear.
Our goal was to have the comfort of an RV while in a tent. We definitely achieved that but what we didn’t think about was cargo space. It didn’t all fit in our van. So we are still trying to figure out how to solve that. But once we do, we will camp in style.
Camping bucket list this year: Redwood Forest
We weren’t able to visit Dinosaur National Park like we wanted to so we went to Capitol Reef instead and oh my gosh I loved it! We are going again this year. Great Basin National Park had to be canceled because there was a lightning storm the whole time we were planning on going. But we will go there someday.
Christmas at Disneyland (Especially Star Wars Land)
We almost had to cancel this trip when our house flooded and we had to get all new floors. But we were able to shop around for floors and do some of the work ourselves to save money and we were able to still go on our trip. It was the best experience ever and I hope we go over Christmas again someday.
Organize pantry
Food storage in basement
Finish old journal
Finish hand lettering book
Do chores on Friday nights
Organize basement
Finish entryway
Get a library with a rolling ladder
I love looking back on my goals and seeing whether I did them or not. It’s never perfect, but I’m always surprised at how many I did finish. Overall, I finished 13/24 goals.
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