If you are a young adult publisher or an agent of a young adult author and you would like me to review your book, please email me (addressed to Jessica) at booksatruestory@gmail.com. I am also willing to work with indie and self-published authors if you don’t have an agent.
Review Requests need to include a direct link to the book you’d like me to review on Goodreads (or Amazon, or your blog), a book cover, and a synopsis in the email.
I read young adult and middle grade books. I like to read sci-fi, fantasy, dystopian, paranormal romance, fairy-tales, re-tellings, and fiction.
I will not read horror or books that have explicit sex, graphic violence, and excessive language. Any YA book that has “PG13″ content is fine.
I accept Kindle compatible format ebooks (No PDFs) and print books, but ebooks are preferred.
I post my reviews on my blog, Amazon, Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Priority is given to Advanced Reading Copies of books. I can’t promise a time frame of when I will review your book. I can’t guarantee a review on my blog if I accept your book for review. I will not post a review of your book if I didn’t finish it. The biggest reason I don’t finish a book is because of objectionable content but I reserve the right to not finish a book for any reason. I post reviews for books that I don’t like, but I keep my reviews as professional as possible.
If you give me a book for review, you are accepting these policies and the fact that I may give your book a negative review. I do not accept books for review where a positive review is required or expected.
I am more than willing to participate in blog tours, author interviews, giveaways etc. to help promote your book. I will post promotional content for blog tours, but I will no longer post reviews for blog tours. I will not accept books for review if the review must be posted by a certain date.
Hi, I’m currently studying ‘Oliver Twist’ for coursework as part of my A Level English Language and Literature course. I was just messaging to ask for permission to include your review on the novel in my essay? Many thanks.
Sure. Thanks for asking!